Ancho chili 100gr

Ancho chili är en mild aromatisk chili med mild fruktsmak av torkade plommon, russin, kaffe, tobak å lite lakrits. Passar i grytor och Moles, eller va fan som helst. Blir bara gott. Ancho heter som färsk chili Poblano och när man torkar den så blir det en Ancho chili. Poblanon används bl.a för att göra Chile rellenos, Poblano Rajas och soppor m.m. Då...
Pris 59,00 kr
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Chipotle in Adobo La Costena 220gr

Chipotle in Adobo är Guds jävla nektar till mänskligheten. Chipotle in Adobo är hela chipotlar i en Adobosås och allt e bara gudomligt. Sätter sprätt på vilken gryta som helst... bästa hamburgaren om du hackar upp nåra å slänger i burgarsmeten, eller gör en chipotle majonäs. Beroendeframkallade gött!!!
Pris 39,00 kr
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Pozole majs ( hominy ) 830gr

Pozole majs / Hominy majs för att göra Mexarnas variant på ärtsoppa som görs av majs och heter Pozolesoppa. Pozole är en traditionell soppa eller gryta från Mexiko och är gjord av hominymajs med kött (vanligtvis kyckling eller fläsk), och kan kryddas och garneras med strimlad sallad eller kål, chilipeppar, lök, vitlök, rädisor, avokado, salsa eller lime....
Pris 59,00 kr
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Blair's Sweet Death 150ml

Death Sauce has a sweet side. A hot sauce so succulent, it should be slathered on everything edible. Feel Alive with Blair’s Sweet Death, and savor the sweet heat of habanero, mango, and passion fruit. No chicken should be without it!! And don’t stop with dinner, do dessert with Death too. Pour it over ice cream for an icy hot palate pleaser, and enjoy...
Pris 99,00 kr
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Blair's Jalapeno Death 150ml

Death Sauce is dangerously delicious. A hot sauce so divine, it should be doused on every dish. Do your eggs a favor and have Death for breakfast. And fish? Fugetaboutit! Feel Alive with Blair’s Jalapeño Death, and enjoy your escape to jalapeño heaven. Fresh jalapeños, tomatillos, and blue agave tequila are beautifully blended to pack a...
Pris 99,00 kr
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Blair's Original Death 150ml

Death Sauce is Original. A hot sauce born so incredible, it grew up to form an entire line. It is the beginning, the first Death there ever was. The unmistakeable mix of habanero, cayenne, and chipotle is a winner for wings and a must for Bloody Mary’s. Feel Alive with Blair’s Original Death, and enjoy what’s been a must-have from the get-go! To...
Pris 99,00 kr
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Blair's Salsa De La Muerte 150ml

Death Sauce is international. A hot sauce so tasty, it transcends language barriers. Original Death is so nice, we did it twice, and with a tweak…..the Latin American export version is loaded with 50% more habanero and 50% more heat. We know….loco!! Feel Alive with Blair’s Salsa De La Muerte, and know no boundaries. To experience this Death is limitless.
Pris 99,00 kr
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Blair's Sudden Death 150ml

Death Sauce is strong. A hot sauce so severe, a little drop will do ya. That’s right, go slowly….the painfully perfect blend of habanero, cayenne, and honey will heat things up in a heartbeat. Challenge your chili, and warn your wings!! Feel Alive with Blair’s Sudden Death, and delve delicately into the depths of this searing sauce. To experience this...
Pris 149,00 kr
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Blair's Mega Death 150ml

Death Sauce has a devilish side. A hot sauce so spectacular, it can trick your tongue. Molasses momentarily masks the hard-hitting habanero, cayenne, and chipotle that make up this menacing mix. Merciless heat and maximum flavor meet to make mouths moan. Feel Alive with Blair’s Mega Death, and endure its painful pleasure one daring drop at a time. To...
Pris 159,00 kr
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Blair's Ultra Death

Death Sauce is respected. A hot sauce so insane, it’s igniting the top of our heat meter. The sinister swirl of habanero, cayenne, serrano, and Jolokia unleashes undeniable flavor filled with unfathomable fire. Feel Alive with Blair’s Ultra Death, and taste the thrill of the unthinkable. Spare yourself, and use sparingly. This sauce is the real deal!! To...
Pris 159,00 kr
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Blair's Beyond Death 150ml

This distinctive bottle of hot sauce was originally formulated in 1992 and brought back from the dead in 2007. Each Bottle is Hand-dipped in its signature Italian blue hard wax. At the time of release, it was undecided on which version of the label to settle on, so 4 different labels went to print! If you order 4 bottles, you will receive 4 different...
Pris 199,00 kr
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